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How to hide WhatsApp conversation from your phone [Android Guide]

WhatsApp, being the most demanded messaging services in the World, accumulates a large number of conversations when you chat with too many friends and people. Deleting some chats will delete those precious messages that you chat a long ago. There is a way to hide WhatsApp conversations without deleting them. We will show you how. Read on below.

When you chat with many people, WhatsApp will save the chat history and it will stay there unless you delete or remove them. However, WhatsApp has a feature that archives your chat history or WhatsApp conversations from the main window without removing it. It saves to a location Archive chat folder where you can access it easily by scrolling to the bottom.

Hide WhatsApp conversation or chat quickly

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and long press to any chat or conversation that you want to hide. Don’t fret, your chat won’t be deleted just by long pressing on it. A tick mark will appear on the contact and you have the option to delete or hide WhatsApp conversation. Select as many as you want.

Step 2: Tap the ‘Archive chat’ button. Be sure that you tap the right icon as shown in the image, the delete option is just beside it. When you tap the ‘Archive chat’ button, your chats are moved to Archive chat folder. Voila! WhatsApp conversations are now hidden from the main window.

If you just want to clear the main window i.e. you want to hide all the conversations from the main screen, WhatsApp also has the ability to archive all the chats with just a push of a button. Go to Settings -> Chats -> Chat History -> Archive all chats.

If you plan to unhide those WhatsApp conversations or chats that you have earlier hidden, go to the archive chats by swiping to the bottom on WhatsApp. Tap the Archive chat, long press it and tap the unarchive button to un-hide the chat it as shown in the image below.

Want more tips and tricks for WhatsApp? Add bold italics and strikethrough text on WhatsApp.

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